Source of this image: The Image repository for the mysql/mysql-server container Supported Docker versions: The latest stable release is supported. Support for older versions (down to 1.0) is provided on a best-effort basis, but we strongly recommend using the most recent stable Docker version, which this documentation assumes. Dockerfile contains instructions to prepare Docker image with our Python Application. Following is the content of Dockerfile. FROM python COPY. /src CMD 'python', '/src/' 4. Build Docker Image. Run the following command in Terminal, from python-application directory, to create Docker Image with Python Application.

Docker Image with Python Application

We shall learn to build a docker image with python application, and save the docker image to a file for usage in different computer.

Build Docker Image with Python Application

1. Create a directory

A separate directory is useful to organise docker applications. For this Python Example, create a directory somewhere with name of your choice. We shall use the name python-application

2. Create Python Application

Create a simple Python File, in the directory python-application, with name containing the following content :

3. Create Dockerfile

Create a file with name Dockerfile. Dockerfile contains instructions to prepare Docker image with our Python Application.

Following is the content of Dockerfile.

4. Build Docker Image

Run the following command in Terminal, from python-application directory, to create Docker Image with Python Application.


Docker image with python application is created successfully.

5. Check the docker image

To display available docker images, run the following command.

Run Docker Image with Python Application

Save Docker Image to a tar file

Save the Docker Image file to a tar file, so that the image file could be copied to other machines through disk storage devices like pen-drive, etc.

Run the following command to save Docker image as a tar file.

Saving might take few seconds. Wait for the command to complete.

Docker Hub

Now you may copy or ship the Docker Image file that is having Python Application.

Download Mysql Docker Image Example


Download Mysql Docker Image Centos

In this Docker Tutorial – Docker Python Application Example, we have learnt to build a Docker Image with Python Application and also how to save the image to a file and transfer it to other computers or servers.